About My Tech Background
To learn even more about me and how I work, please check out the below video (07:55). Because I am a developer more than a filmmaker, I'm of course most excited to show off the custom video player I built, which features captions, chapters, volume and playback speed controls, and social media sharing in addition to standard video controls. I also transcribed the captions!

Software Engineer, Invest, SoFi
July 2023 to January 2024
- Hybrid work
- Learned & developed solutions & features in Kotlin, Java, Spring Boot, Kafka, Kubernetes, Docker, JUnit, Mockito, Kraken, Angular, and Temporal
- Develop solutions to problems under Agile framework
- Build events & features & fix bugs
- Design, diagram, test & code both internal & external solutions
- Review team members' pull requests
- Help unblock team members & help move their tickets forward
- Participate in on-call rotation
- Use monitoring service to diagnose & investigate issues
- Utilize CI/CD pipeline to manage releases & software delivery
- Document data flows & development processes & runbooks
- Participate in discussions around and create architectural diagrams
- Design with and interact with various Apex Group services, Braze, Optimizely, Sonarqube
Software Engineer, Credit Card, SoFi
August 2022 to July 2023
- Hybrid work
- Learned & developed solutions & features in Kotlin, Spring Boot, Kafka, Kubernetes, Docker, JUnit, Mockito, and Kraken
- Develop solutions to problems under Agile framework
- Nuild events & features & fix bugs
- Design, diagram, test & code both internal & external solutions
- Review team members' pull requests
- Help unblock team members & help move their tickets forward
- Participate in on-call rotation
- Use monitoring service to diagnose & investigate issues
- Utilize CI/CD pipeline to manage releases & software delivery
- Document data flows & development processes & runbooks
- Participate in discussions around and create architectural diagrams
- Create dashboards, graphs, and metrics to diagnose and resolve issues more quickly
- Design with and interact with various Fiserv services, Braze, LaunchDarkly
Software Engineer, Relay, SoFi
February 2022 to August 2022
- Hybrid work
- Learned & developed solutions & features in Kotlin, Kafka, ActiveMQ, Kubernetes, Docker, JUnit, Mockito, Kraken, Spring Boot, and Ruby
- Develop solutions to problems under Agile framework
- Build events & features & fix bugs
- Design, diagram, test & code both internal & external solutions
- Review team members' pull requests
- Help unblock team members & help move their tickets forward
- Participate in on-call rotation
- Use monitoring service to investigate issues
- Utilize CI/CD pipeline to manage releases & software delivery
- Document data flows & development processes & runbooks
- Participate in discussions around and create architectural diagrams
- Design with and interact with Plaid API, Braze, Optimizely
Software Engineer I, Clearcover Insurance
October 2020 to January 2022
Software Engineer II, Clearcover Insurance
January 2022 to March 2022
- Remote position
- Learn & develop solutions & features in Kotlin, Kafka/Zookeeper, NodeJS & TypeScript, Kubernetes, Docker, Jsonnet, Jest, Kotest, JUnit, Spring Boot
- Develop solutions to problems under Agile framework
- Build events & features & fix bugs
- Design, diagram, test & code both internal & external solutions
- Review team members' pull requests
- Participate in on-call rotation
- Use monitoring service to investigate issues
- Create dashboards, graphs, and metrics to diagnose and resolve issues more quickly
- Utilize CI/CD pipeline to manage releases & software delivery
- Document data flows & development processes
- Participate in discussions around and create architectural diagrams as necessary
- Perform root cause analyses for major outages
- Help unblock team members & help move their tickets forward
Software Developer, A Quo Co.
July 2017 to October 2020
- Remote work
- Built software to automate workflow with VB & MySQL, integrating with several APIs & programs such as Word, Excel, OneNote, Publisher, Outlook, Express Scribe, FTR Player, Acrobat, Wunderlist, and Paypal, among others. See its GitHub repo for a full list of features.
- Used text-analyzing software on over 10,000 transcript pages to produce autocorrect entries in Word to improve typing speed and accuracy, then used VBA to automate creation of those entries regarding proper names and nouns
- Completely unique features such as authority hyperlinking via CourtListener, .gov sites, and the like as well as tables of authority for free with every transcript via VBA automation
Web Developer, A Quo Co.
July 2009 to October 2020
- Remote work
- Developed & maintained company website
Owner/Operator, A Quo Co.
May 2009 to January 2023
- Remote work
- Diverse customer base, attorneys & pro se parties
- Standard business operations such as accounting and project management
- Streamlined consistent business communications and marketing
- General & legal transcription services of digital audio and video formats
- Consistently produced twice the number of transcript pages over average due to VBA automation
Team Lead, Lambda School
January 2020 to June 2020
- Code review for every student in my team twice a week
- Hosted stand-up meetings with seven students two to three times a week
- Presentations on various resources to facilitate students' growth during stand-ups
- Mentored and provided feedback to students on areas of improvement
- Tracked attendance and other student metrics
- Use of Slackbot and Slack Workflow Builder to manage tasks, information, and reminders
Proctor, American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers
March 2012 to January 2014
- Proctored AAERT certification examinations
Front End:
Back End:
Spring Boot
Google Guice
Data Structures
Microsoft Office
Object-Oriented Analysis
Object-Oriented Design
ChatGPT Prompts
Adobe XD
Visual Basic
Lambda School, full stack web development
October 2019 to July 2020
- Nine-month computer science and software engineering academy providing intense immersive curriculum in web development and computer science-focused topics
freeCodeCamp, full stack web development
June 2019 to present
- Responsive Web Design
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- Front End Libraries
- Data Visualization
About Me!
I am an experienced software engineer seeking a position post-layoffs at SoFi. My experience includes some in insurtech as well as in the fintech spaces, with direct experience in invest, credit card, and accounting engineering experience as well as building new features for & taking care of existing customers in the insurtech space.
I am incredibly enthusiastic about tech, which you can see from comments about me from my former colleagues at SoFi and at Lambda, here under Recommendations. I read and studied over 20 tech books last year, and have read & studied eight already this year as of February 3, 2024. I am a go-getter, self-disciplined, and I take ownership over everything I work on.
I bring a diverse background to the table. In my past, I've done lots of different things; worked in retail, customer service, as a project manager @ Kinkos, run a news department for a gaming league with a readership of over 500k, and had a book published as well as articles featured on the front cover of Massive and Computer Games Magazines.
I am a leader by example, even when I am doing things for fun. For a year and a half, I belonged to a guild in World of Warcraft which was 25th in the U.S. out of upwards of 10,000 guilds to clear Sunwell Plateau, and was present for and participated in each and every boss kill. I was known for combat log analysis and helped mentor junior raiders by deeply analyzing logs and collaborating with other guildies to help juniors improve their rotations.
I owned and operated my own court transcription business for 13 years. My company's transcripts were truly unique and had features that none other did. For several years of owning my business, I developed software using VB and MySQL to automate a large chunk of it, and then wrote a few blog posts describing how to do some of the things I did. The software integrates with Word, Excel, Publisher, Outlook, Express Scribe, FTR Player, Acrobat, Wunderlist, and Paypal, among others. I built a speech recognition engine using batch files and PocketSphinx, and then integrated that engine into my database. I cleaned up and automated feeding all the data (audio and transcripts) so it could learn. I loved doing all that so much that, when I found Lambda, I knew what I needed to do.
During Lambda, I:
- had over `1,200` hours of hands-on development/coding time.
- presented product vision and release canvasses for approval to the product owner.
- gave presentations on supplemental content to teach students how to build certain apps.
- on the side learned Java, TypeScript, Docker, UML, advanced Postman, advanced Agile methodology, PowerShell, advanced VB, system design, scalability, and object-oriented design patterns.
- received 14 references/recommendations while at school, seven on LinkedIn and seven more via Searchlight, a third-party service which hides nearly all the recommender's content from the recommendee to promote candor, which can be sent on request via e-mail.
- had over 5,900 GitHub contributions over 2019 to 2020.
- studied data structures and algorithms, CTCI, and Leetcode on the side for many, many hours.
For six of the nine months at Lambda, I went to school 40 hours a week, served as team lead in the evenings 16-20 hours per week, and ran my business in between. In July 2020, I graduated from Lambda. As always, I will take my attitude, discipline, empathy, respect, problem-solving ability, teamwork, and grit with me wherever I land.